Wednesday, 6 July 2022






After fifteen years of highlighting artists, Alain Zirah and Anne Gomis, ambassadors of French culture and lifestyle, have turned their spotlight on a continent: Africa, for its artists but also for all its specificities. Thus, the 2022 OFF DE CANNES festival have chosen to put all their energy, in all humility, in favor of a rapprochement between Europa and Africa.


                                          Alain Zirah, the OFF de Cannes president-founder & Anne Gomis, the OFF de Cannes co-producer - vice-president of Cinq Regards.






According to Alain Zirah, the objective was ambitious: "this year, we were approached by the Republic of Senegal, president of the African Union, for a year, through the channel of its general consulate in Marseille. We understood that this was a unique opportunity to help the African Union and the European Union, via Presidents Macky Sall (Senegal) and Emmanuel Macron (France), to join forces to send a message of peace to 2 billion people. To stop the war in Ukraine, but also in different countries of our planet. The idea was to carry strong messages and to benefit from the resonance of the festival and its 5,000 international journalists to convey the information to the four corners of the planet. The project consisted in marking the spirits from the beginning by organizing a climb of the steps of the Senegalese delegation accompanied by the beautiful Senegalese in traditional dress around the international star Omar Sy for the opening of the section un certain regard, May 18. Senegalese officials could have surrounded the Senegalese star with a speech after the film Les Tirailleurs, produced by the actor, to announce the establishment of a day in tribute to the Tirailleurs as well as soldiers from different communities drawn from elsewhere to save France. Why not announce the installation of a statue in Marseille to complete the action? Then, a celebration in the gardens of the Villa Rothschild would have brought together the representatives of Senegal and the French government, the mayors of Cannes and Marseille as well as other consuls in the oak room to announce the implementation of cooperation agreements during a press conference before the musical showcase and the fashion show with several fashion shows of the main designers from Africa and Europe strongly applauded by the 1,500 guests. And conferences of specialists in cinema (50 American female directors and producers were ready to bring their help and advice to the attention of African professionals), industrial engineering, health (with the announcement of actions against hypertension and diabetes to the attention of African populations)...

With their pool of 9000 artists, the OFF DE CANNES organisation can bring, at any time, precious messages in favor of culture, ecology, economy, tourism, health and social to the attention of both continents. The population will accept more easily the instructions in favor of ecology coming from the artists, where the politicians are not necessarily heard.


We were very surprised that the two governments did not seize the unique opportunity to react immediately and address the world population through the 5000 journalists present in Cannes during this 75th anniversary. Senegal has taken a 15m2 stand in the palace with 6 chairs intended for palaver between colleagues and the African night in the colors of Senegal, announced for May 24 with the logos of the Republic of Senegal, the Minister of Culture of Senegal, the Air Senegal planes company, and so many others has been canceled, without any communication, the same evening when the Ivory Coast gathered many personalities around Sharon Stone to give a trophy to Mrs. Dominique Ouattara.


The representatives of the two continents did not grasp that this was a unique opportunity but kept their eyes riveted on their very short-term preoccupations which are the legislative elections in France and the International Fair of Dakar. This is a mistake, in my opinion, but we still hope to bring our vision to allow future generations to eat fish without plastic microparticles.

It will be a little more complicated because the presidency of the European Union will be held from July 1 by the Czech Republic." 




Exit, therefore, the music scene and fashion shows scheduled for May 20 in the sumptuous private villa. Assisted by Myrthe Ekuba Bosendju, William Perera and Rihab Bejaoui, Alain Zirah and Anne Gomis highlight the first African blockbuster. It is Benin that will be honored. On May 25, the ceremony took place under a radiant sun where hundreds of guests were able to enjoy the exceptional panoramic view of the bay of Cannes during the event of RAF Production by Clara Gaye and Didier Moulion where cocktails were welcome. The Grand Prix du Cinéma des OFF de Cannes was awarded to the film La Canne du Roi. The film will be screened from July 1st in Benin's cinemas.

Myrthe Ekuba, OFF de Cannes Ambasadress, Reilinght Tchobo, film maker, François Kodjossiadan, executive producer, Alain Zirah, president.

photo AZ Productions

François Kodjossiadan, executive producer, Florence Elomo, producer, Bamby Traoré, Ambassadress representing the Consulate General of Senegal in Marseille, Reilinght Tchobo, film maker - photo AZ Productions
Directed and produced by two 29 year old Beninese from Fairyland Studios, this film brings to life the first Amazons in the former Dahomey, now Benin. After the interviews in the Pavillon Afriques, the director Reilinght Tchobo and his producer François Kodjossiadan were rewarded by Florence Elomo, producer, and Bamby Traoré who came to represent the Consul General of Senegal in Marseille, on the magnificent Rooftop of the Radisson Blu in Cannes. The director was able to present a sequence of his film which will be screened on July 1st in Benin. The choreography of the fight of the Amazon against the warriors armed with spears was rehearsed for a week, he says. The result is amazing. Each of the participants wishes to contribute to the production of the next film already in the pipeline.


The next day, the lyric singer Mickael Guedj gave his full voice to excerpts from The Barber of Seville in a happening at the entrance of the Majestic-Barrière, in front of a backlit tarpaulin in the colors of Sicily. All conversations came to a screeching halt. The baritone was warmly applauded, kissed and congratulated by an audience of connoisseurs. 
On May 28, while everyone was looking for an invitation to attend the closing ceremony in the festival palace with the announcement of the prize list, many of the personalities and artists who make up the festival were once again heading to the Radisson Blu. 

After having rewarded the Sri Lankan stylist Enoka Fonseca for a historic fashion show of models in red dresses on the steps of another palace, Alain Zirah and Anne Gomis organize the awarding of the Grand Prix of Lyrical Art for 2022 OFF de Cannes to the great baritone Mickael Guedj.


Mickael Guedj, barytone, Alain Zirah, OFF de Cannes president-founder, prince Olympia Gellini, World Film Institute - photo Tom_van_photographer 

The team on stage - photo Brigitte Rolland (Nice Matin - Sorties Media Presse)


Represented by Claude Martinot and Stéphanie Domejean, this singer is one of the few who can switch from opera to rock or variety with an exceptional full voice. He will make people dream impossible dreams with La quête de Jacques Brel and will amaze his audience with two other titles including My Way, accompanied by the incredible Tony Stark and Prince Olympia Gellini, the partner of Paramount and the World Film Institute of Beverly Hills (USA).

The events are broadcast to 200,000 international film professionals by Bruno Chatelin ( and on the Bblack Africa TV channel in a special Cannes program. To be part of the adventure, you must subscribe to the group


Avec le slogan de l’organisation : on ne fait pas des évènements mais on écrit une légende, la désignation des prochains gagnants en catégorie musique et web séries est prévue le 22 juillet à Marseille. Avec de belles surprises. Souhaitons à nos gagnants de devenir de futures légendes. 


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