Thursday, 26 April 2018

Memorendum to DC and SP, Haflong by BJYM

On 25th of April 2018 (Wednesday) Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha

BJYM Dima Hasao District committee Submitted a Memorendum to Deputy Commissioner of Haflong and Superintendent of Police,Haflong Demanding for Maximum Punishment in a fast track court to the accused person involved in the attempt to rap case at Purana Maibang. BJYM Strongly condemn in the strongest of term against such a despicable act and demand that the perpetrator should be awarded maximum punishment as per law. They also request that the District administration should establish "Public Vigilance Committee" (PVC) to act as the eyes and ears of the District administration And also requested to issue a general notification making it manditory for individual Vandors, Rag-Pickers etc.. from outside the District, to first report themselves to the nearest police station and inform about their nature of business and area in which they will vanture.

BJYM, Dima Hasao

Report: General Secretary
              BJYM Dima Hasao

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

How to Increase Your YouTube Adsense Revenue

Many people who first go on YouTube only think about one thing - making money. Money is good. Maybe it's even really good. But there are many steps that you have ot take before your YouTube partner accountstarts to go anywhere, and you start increasing your YouTube Adsense Revenue. This guide will be broken down into four parts:
  1. Improving your videos

  2. Improving the ads

  3. Managing your channel

  4. Marketing off YouTube to increase viewership

If you're already signed up for Adsense, get ready for a lot of words as I cut right to it!

1. Improve your YouTube videos

This is about more than just creating better videos, this is about creating a better environment for your videos. Sure, you need to create videos that people actually want to watch, but you also need to manage them in a way that creates a following.

YouTube friendly videos

Two of the most famous guys on YouTube are Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox of the Smosh team. They got their start using cameras that would be embarrassed by your current smartphone's camera. They had bad equipment, but they made great videos that appealed to their YouTube target market. I'm not saying that everyone has to jump around and act as goofy as they do, but some personality and fun go a long way in the YouTube world.

Have a schedule for your posts

Regular uploads, at a consistent time will not only build your audience quickly as they know when to come by and tune in, but it will also build your video library. At first you may only be making 50 cents off a video. If you have 5 videos uploaded over a 2 month span - you're making no money. If you have 50 videos over that 2 month span you'll start to see yourself gain some traction in both fan support and in increasing your YouTube Adsense money.
All of the highest YouTube earners have followed this strategy. The now retired (from YouTube) Ray William Johnson is a great example of this as he had a regular schedule, stuck to it, and created a wealth of content.

What needs to happen in the video and during the upload process

Every video you post will need to:
  1. Effectively use SEO tactics. Fill out all the details in your description, tags, and title. Use keywords sparsely, but consistently.
  2. Have an intro that quickly informs viewers about who you are. Don't use it to annoy or misdirect.
  3. Have calls to action that clearly illustrate what you want people to do. Are you trying to pump up your blog "Click the link to visit my blog." Are you trying to grow your vlogging? "Click subscribe to follow my channel." The YouTube pop-up text thing is important.
Each video is a new opportunity to meet someone for the first time. Make sure that you're following this advice to 1- find them, 2 - tell them who you are, 3 - tell them what you want them to do. YouTube users expect this, they want this even, give it to them and they'll give back.

A last point on your YouTube description

YouTube will display a small amount of information to users watching your video. This is the part of the description which must accurately talk about what happens in the video.
Below that is a "more" button. When users click on that, feel free to link to every blog you're affiliated with, your websites, your social networks, and your momma if you want to. This is where users go to learn more about you. You want them to know more about you too, so give it to them!

Create your own thumbnails

Along the bottom of the upload screen you'll see the three options for thumbnails that YouTube is giving you. Each of these three thumbnails share the common trait of being absolutely horrible. A few minutes with a graphic editing app can change that. Check out these great examples from well known YouTubers (left to right) Nice PeterEpic Meal TimeHow it Should Have Ended, and Smosh.
Youtube thumbnail examples adsense revenue

2. Improving the YouTube Adsense ads

You're already a YouTube partner, right? Good. The first way to improve the ads showing is to improve your ranking in search engines. Keyword research for high ranking words in your industry or field is important. To put it simply: better keywords = more traffic = better ads showing = more YouTube ad money.
This point also relates directly to your tags. Tags are meant to connect videos together which are similar. With more and better connections established, you'll have a better chance of being viewed. Keyword research is important!

Do not display ads within your video

Putting ads in your own video can lead to conflicts of interest with the advertisers you're suppose to be working with. These partners can come and go while YouTube adsense is there to stay. Feel free to use calls to action to your own website, but don't venture too far outside of this.
Also, don't forget about your viewers in all this. They want to watch a bunch of ads about as much as they want to go back to watching TV on bunny ears. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. Philip DeFranco has been working with more advertisers lately. He's sure to choose those which fit his brand, and he works them into the video in a way that isn't too obtrusive. sxephil is the exception here as he has long ago established his audience, a brand new channel can not get away with this.

3. Build your YouTube channel for long term viewership

Having successful videos is great, but you'll never make serious YouTube adsense money unless you have a great channel. If your channel is in support of your blog, website, or company, make sure to carry over your logos and colors. This will help visually connect your two properties.
If your YouTube channel is all original, give it a style that carries over from your videos themselves, to your thumbnails, and to your overall theme. You can do this by:
  • Completing all of your profile information
  • Using a memorable cover photo that you customize
  • Customize the background color to match your color scheme
These steps may seem insequential, but they will build your channel into a place where people come back to and recognize right away. This cuts down on the one hit wonder phenomenon, and increases your YouTube Adsense revenue.
Check out Jenna Marble's memorable header image. It shows her, has unique colors, links to her other social profiles, and likely has one too many dogs:
Jenna Marbles youtube header image

Vary how your videos are presented

Different YouTube users are going to want different things from your channel. Some may not know you well and will only want to invest in a short video. You biggest fans can watch longer videos on the plus side of 10 minutes. Those with some time may want to sit back and watch a bunch of your videos in a row.
Plan for this by:
  • Creating videos of varying lengths. YouTube users look at the time stamp on the bottom of videos to figure out if they want to take the time to watch your video.
  • Create video playlist of your series. Over time you will likely build up videos on different topics. Put together a playlist of these so that your biggest fans, or binge watchers, can just sit back and watch it all when they feel like it.
There is no "one video size fits all" solution. Varying lengths and creating playlists will help you find viewers with different needs, increasing your views on YouTube overall, and earning you some more YouTube adsense revenue.

Create a community

The most successful YouTubers didn't build their YouTube adsense earnings on expensive video equipment, they built it with their fans. You can do this by:
  • Asking for your fans to comment in the comment section
  • Respond to some of the best comments directly
  • Create regular video updates that talk to your fans about what they're bringing up
  • Doing video responses to other people's videos
This helps your fans feel like they're part of what's going on. This keeps them coming back as they feel a connection, and the content you produce by addressing their concerns is some easy work!
Here's the most successful YouTube subscription getter in the business showing you how it's done with lots of silliness and SOME SWEARING (so maybe NSFW) - you have been warned about Fridays with PewDiePie:

4. Your marketing plan off YouTube

Wouldn't it be nice if we could just do everything right in YouTube and all of our wildest dreams came true? Sigh. Here are some tactics to use off YouTube to market your videos and channel, and increase your YouTube earnings.

Embed your videos in blog posts

This goes triple for those who are trying to promote their blog! A reason for this is because blogs are such keyword rich platforms, where YouTube doesn't offer much in the way of opportunity. Doing this will allow you to:
  • Let fans on that platform know about your videos
  • Associate your video with the SEO work done on you blog, and on your YouTube SEO efforts
  • Increased your chances for views and shares as your video is hosted in another location
Don't forget, you know, the rest of the internet outside of YouTube to get your videos out there. Partnering up with other bloggers is how you built your blog, partner up with them again to get our videos out there. You'll get some promotion, they'll get some video content that people enjoy watching - you both win!
A sure way to make this partnership happen is by shooting a video response to a post of theirs. They can use it for a whole new post, or embed it into the original post.

Video content and social media make a perfect couple

Videos are starting to take over even photos as the most popular content shared. Watching your video, sharing your video, and getting their friends to view it too. Be sure to meet the needs of each social platform:
  • Facebook and Google+ have great video previews. Every YouTube video looks good on them
  • Twitter will help you promote one video at a time. You can't try to pitch your whole channel in a single tweet.
  • Instagram and Pinterest are tough on videos. Pinterest really only welcomes DIY content, and crafting or home improvement. Instagram will thrive on exceptional images, but videos are seen as a bit of a nuisance.
  • Vine is a whole new monster, the Twitter of video if you will. If you have 6 seconds of a great clip from your video, put it up and direct viewers to the rest of it.
Blogging and vlogging go hand in hand. Increasing your YouTube adsense, and bringing your blog visitors up, can be accomplished by following the four points above - and making great videos!

Source : Internet

Youtube new rule of revenue since 2017

Five years ago, YouTube opened their partner program to everyone. This was a really big deal: it meant anyone could sign up for the service, start uploading videos, and immediately begin making money. This model helped YouTube grow into the web’s biggest video platform, but it has also led to some problems. People were creating accounts that uploaded content owned by other people, sometimes big record labels or movie studios, sometimes other popular YouTube creators.
In an effort to combat these bad actors, YouTube has announced a change to its partner program today. From now on, creators won’t be able to turn on monetization until they hit 10,000 lifetime views on their channel. YouTube believes that this threshold will give them a chance to gather enough information on a channel to know if it’s legit. And it won’t be so high as to discourage new independent creators from signing up for the service.

“In a few weeks, we’ll also be adding a review process for new creators who apply to be in the YouTube Partner Program. After a creator hits 10k lifetimeviews on their channel, we’ll review their activity against our policies,” wrote Ariel Bardin, YouTube’s VP of product management, in a blog post published today. “If everything looks good, we’ll bring this channel into YPP and begin serving ads against their content. Together these new thresholds will help ensure revenue only flows to creators who are playing by the rules.”
Of course, along with protecting the creators on its service whose videos are being re-uploaded by scam artists, these new rules may help YouTube keep offensive videos away from the brands that spend money marketing on their platform. This has been a big problem for YouTube in recent weeks. “This new threshold gives us enough information to determine the validity of a channel,” wrote Bardin. “It also allows us to confirm if a channel is following our community guidelines and advertiser policies.”
As it moves ever closer to parity with the world of prime-time television, YouTube is sensibly taking steps to police how business is done on its service. Time will tell how a rising generation of creators respond to these new limitations.

Metium (flute) of Zeme tribe